Boris Johnson foul-mouthed comment over backing Brexit deal to please White House

Boris Johnson foul-mouthed comment over backing Brexit deal to please White House

Boris Johnson has reportedly hit back at speculation that Rishi Sunak’s support for a Brexit deal would help Britain’s relationship with the White House by saying “To hell with the Americans!”

Sunac’s new deal with the EU appears to be in place and could be announced as early as next week. However, Johnson said Sonak should implement the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, which was drawn up during his time as prime minister.

During a private conversation in the House of Commons with former chancellor Sir Robert Buckland, Johnson is reported to have expressed his feelings about Sunak’s treatment in a cheeky comment. According to The Sunday Times, Sir Robert tried to persuade Johnson to support the deal, arguing that it was key to improving relations with US President Joe Biden.

Johnson’s team told The Sunday Times that they would not use such language, but added that they had commented on the White House.

Sonnock urged critics to “recognize that [the deal] is not about me or third parties or anybody else… It’s about the people and communities of Northern Ireland. It’s about what’s best for them, and that’s what everyone must do.” remember.

The Prime Minister is said to have convinced key pro-Brexit lawmakers of the merits of her deal with Brussels.

A Brexit campaigner called the draft London-Brussels deal “very good”, although he warned that part of the decision was due to a row over the cancellation of King Charles’ meeting with the European Commission, which risks snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. had President Ursula von der Leyen.

Sunac is under no obligation to get lawmakers to vote on the deal and is carefully avoiding public engagement to do so. But members of the Conservative Party’s European Union Study Group told The Independent they were prepared for a divisive vote in parliament.

But Sunak remained confident about his plans on Saturday, saying: “There are still some outstanding Brexit issues and I want to do my job.”

Windsor Marco: Rishi Sunak has explained the new Brexit deal for Northern Ireland

Windsor Marco: Rishi Sunak has explained the new Brexit deal for Northern Ireland

Rishi Sunak represents a historic agreement with the EU on trade in Northern Ireland.

What has happened? Rishi Sunak has established a new post-Brexit trade agreement with the European Union for Northern Ireland.

The agreement between Snack and the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is an agreement between Great Britain and the United Kingdom under the so-called Northern Ireland Protocol, a trade dispute treaty for the region that will enter into force in 2021. EU.

This protocol is intended to prevent a difficult border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and any future Brexit will do the same.

However, unionist Northern Ireland MPs opposed the protocol, believing it would create a border between them and the rest of Great Britain.

After the meeting, Sunak and von der Leyen announced a new treaty, called the Framework of Windsor, to fix many of the problems with the previous treaty.

What is the Windsor Framework?

What is the Windsor Framework?

The Windsor Framework is a new post-Brexit trade framework that aims to remove the need to move inspection products between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.

In a press conference with von der Leyen on Monday, Snack said the new policy would “ensure smooth trade across the UK, safeguard Northern Ireland’s place in the union and protect the sovereignty of the Northern Irish people.” “.

The Northern Ireland Protocol was agreed upon between the EU and the UK to remove the difficult border between Ireland and Northern Ireland and to effectively define the maritime boundaries between the mainland and the island of Ireland.

The Windsor framework establishes a two-tier customs system that places goods in the UK (held for Northern Ireland) in the green channel to avoid customs checks and in the red channel for goods destined for the state. . Customs.

See: Brexit: Rishi Sunak and Ursula von der Leyen have a new agreement at the press conference

See: Brexit: Rishi Sunak and Ursula von der Leyen have a new agreement at the press conference

The old system provided for the free movement of goods between the north and the south, but there were barriers to trade between Northern Ireland and the rest of Great Britain.

In addition, the protocol keeps Northern Ireland in the EU’s single market for goods, so it must follow several rules set by the EU.

All this means that the unions, including the Democratic Party (DUP), are ignoring the protocol. They argue that the protocol would effectively create a border between Northern Ireland and the rest of Great Britain.

The new measure will ensure that tested drugs are available in the UK in Northern Ireland, as well as allowing the “Stormont Brake” to allow elected politicians in Northern Ireland to decide which EU laws apply to the property. themselves

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