Android 14 can prevent your phone from losing internet access as it ages | Daily News Byte

Android 14 can prevent your phone from losing internet access as it ages

 | Daily News Byte


Certificates can be very important, they can be changed without updating the system.

Get this: You open your phone (very old of course) one fine day to check something on the internet, but you find that most, if not all, websites simply refuse to attached, throwing out security warnings. This situation will almost certainly happen for phones running Android 7 or higher in 2021, when a so-called original document ends. The problem can be avoided thanks to a quirky way Android handles expired certificates, but Google is looking for a permanent solution. It can be installed on Android 14.


According to’s senior technical editor Mishaal Rahman, who is familiar with the open source Android code, Google is working on a new mainline module that will allow you to update certificates on the fly. Now, root maps are updated as part of the entire system, and old ones don’t have to run the risk of accessing the root map region.

Instead of being part of the system package itself, the new authentication module can be updated through Google Play Services. This allows Google to install new content as needed, to be able to keep the programs connected to all the sites you visit on the web. It’s the same as many parts of Android that have been set up for a while, including Bluetooth.

This new method is good for another reason. Certificates are primarily based on trust, and this is what allows websites to establish strong relationships in the first place. One of these root certificate authorities, TrustCor, is known to have a relationship with a company that provides intelligence services with spyware. Although there are no known problems with TrustCor itself, companies are quickly moving away from the company out of concern that something fishy could go wrong. After all, it would not be good if intelligence services could monitor encrypted data exchanged between a server and a user. While Android is opening support for TrustCor’s certificate in full system security updates, it would be great if Google could reverse the certificate before that.

The problem with old root apps is a big one on Android. Here, most apps and browsers rely on built-in root credentials to ensure secure connections, while on Windows and macOS many applications have their own root credentials attached. , which is the name for where the source documents are stored. On Android, a prime example of an app that relies on its own store is Firefox. This means that the browser will continue to work on older Android phones regardless, even if the original version has expired. Fortunately, the next major document is due to expire in 2035, so we shouldn’t expect a problem like Android 7 in 2021 anytime soon.

For a deeper dive into the whole topic, check out Mishaal Rahman’s post on Esper. He goes into depth about the nature of the original documents and their importance.


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