Harrison Ford Who? Watch the Blue Bloods Star Take on Indiana Jones in this Epic Deepfake Video | Daily News Byte


Don’t we just love deepfakes to glimpse the impossible?

Indiana Jones could have been completely different if Blue Bloods star Tom Selleck had been allowed to work on two projects at the same time when he was, in fact, approved to play the iconic treasure hunter.

According to Selleck himself, he got the role of Indiana Jones, but because he was already busy with CBS’s Magnum PI, he was unable to accept the offer made to him by Stephen Spielberg and George Lucas. CBS wouldn’t let him work on two projects at once, so the role went to Harrison Ford — someone who would forever be the perfect Indiana Jones for fans.

However, it’s always fun to imagine what would happen if things changed. Well, there’s a deepfake video that actually lets us see Selleck as Indiana Jones — and it works in a weird way.

After watching the video, one might have second thoughts about Ford’s perfection for the part. However, this person is not Selleck.

“Harrison Ford didn’t want to hear it. Harrison, this is your role, and you’re not going to be erased from it; it’s an interesting story. I signed a deal for Magnum, and it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m proud that I fulfilled my contract,” the actor said in 2017 in an interview with Build Series.

Other fans also believe that everything went as it should.

“Seeing Tom Selleck as Indiana Jones in this deeply fake video just reminds us how much Harrison’s physicality and movement contribute to his performance,” Twitter user jamieswb said.

Harrison Ford’s portrayal of Indiana Jones is now iconic, though Lucas himself said he was reluctant to cast Ford for the part — not because of some kind of bad blood between the two, in rather because of the opposite. At the time, Ford had already been in two Lucas films, and the director said he didn’t want Ford to become Robert De Niro.


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