Ford Ohio Assembly Plant once again raises funds for Mary Lee Tucker Clothe-A-Child – Morning Journal | Daily News Byte

Ford Ohio Assembly Plant once again raises funds for Mary Lee Tucker Clothe-A-Child – Morning Journal

 | Daily News Byte


The Ford Ohio Assembly Plant in Avon Lake recently ran its annual 12-hour drive for the Mary Lee Tucker Clothe-A-Child program.

As part of their annual holiday community giving back effort, the plant raised $3,000.03 on December 19.

The plant has donated to the Mary Lee Tucker Clothe-A-Child program since 1985. For the past three decades, employee research coordinator Kristie Schremp has been involved in the donation efforts.

“We’ve been doing this for the Mary Lee Tucker (program) for a long, long time,” Schremp said. “I’ve been here 31 (years) and… I’ve been here the whole time I’ve been here.”

For 12 hours, the drive ran against each shift of the plant to maximize donations. In addition to the drive itself, the Ohio Assembly Plant is bringing in Santa Claus to help spread the holiday spirit around the plant.

This year, the role of Santa Claus was played by plant worker Dean DeWitt, who was tasked with leading the charge during the donation drive, and helping other plant workers get into the Christmas spirit.

“We always have Santa, where they bring him around, you know,” Schremp said. “It brings a little holiday cheer to everyone there. Just a little cheer, and everyone’s dressed up. It’s always a good thing to start our Christmas week.”

The plant has partnered with the Sheffield UAW 2000 chapter to make their donations. Schremp explained that being able to partner with union workers made donation efforts more effective and helped foster a sense of community.

“The really good thing about it is that it’s UAW, management, everybody gets along, everybody works hard, goes out and more,” Schremp said. “It’s just one of many things… This plant has always been very big on trying to help wherever we can.”

Schremp explained that the UAW plant and branch are more than eager to help, despite recent economic difficulties. The groups pride themselves on being able to give back and go above and beyond to help the community.

“Everyone is struggling, and we know that,” Schremp said. “Even with our system, we’re having a hard time getting parts or whatever, but it’s great to see how many people still show up, and still give. (They) are still happy to help.”


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