These are frustrating times in Ontario. Our country is hosting COP15. Two of the three main goals are the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of its components. Meanwhile, we live in a province that has passed legislation that is the opposite of these COP15 goals. The legislation will reduce green space in both our cities and countryside, including protected Greenbelts and provincial conservation authority lands. This reduces protection of wetlands and endangered species and will reduce farmland which allows us to produce food locally. The benefit of the law is supposed to increase much-needed affordable housing. But the government has yet to provide a practical explanation of how the law will accomplish this goal.
The Quote of the Day on December 7 from Pope Benedict XVI said that “Our earth speaks to us, and we must listen to it and understand its message if we want to live.” It’s time for our provincial government to listen to the land and the majority of Ontarians instead of their rich friends in the development industry who will be further enriched by this misguided legislation.
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