UK Weather: Met Office warns of snow ahead of cold March

In England, a cloudy week with light rain and some sunshine is forecast in the northwest before temperatures drop in March.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, temperatures will drop below 10C in most areas, and after a mild winter, temperatures dropped earlier last week, so overnight temperatures could drop to zero.

Weather experts say that Monday and Tuesday will be cold and there is a possibility of a drop in temperature next week with northerly winds blowing from the south and freezing temperatures overnight. However, southern England is not expected to see snow for some time this week.

In the second week of March, cold weather is expected to begin in mid-February due to a phenomenon called rapid stratospheric warming, also known as the “Beast from the East.”

The Met Office had previously said the event was “likely” to bring snow and cold weather to the UK, but confirmed this week that conditions would remain normal.

However, the situation next week is uncertain as nothing guarantees the scale of the UK weather impact.

According to some estimates, the air temperature can drop to -10 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile, people in Wales, Ireland, and England saw spectacular views of the Northern Lights over Sussex, Wiltshire, and Cornwall on Sunday night.

Also known as auroras, this phenomenon is a natural glow in the sky that occurs when electrically charged solar particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere and collide with gases such as oxygen and nitrogen.

It is usually only found in high latitudes and when seen in Britain it is only found in Scotland and parts of northern England.

However, it rarely reaches southern regions.

The weather service said the lights would still be visible on Monday night.

A Met Office update on the Northern Lights snow forecast has arrived in the UK.

A Met Office update on the Northern Lights snow forecast has arrived in the UK.

The National Weather Service has confirmed lower temperatures due to rapid stratospheric warming (SSW).

The Bureau of Meteorology has released detailed weather forecasts for March amid reports that monsters and snow could return from the east.

After a dry and hot February, a cold spell is possible due to sudden stratospheric warming (SSW), according to the Mirror.

Leading UK meteorologists have confirmed that a cold spell is more likely at the start of SSW and could affect the UK within three weeks.

However, it is unclear whether the Beast will attack England from the east due to its position against the storm. However, winter rains are expected at the beginning of the month, as temperatures drop despite sunny weather.

Long-range forecasts suggest conditions will improve in early March before high pressures set in, increasing the likelihood of cold winter temperatures and rain. particularly in coastal areas, especially in the south, of course.” Small rain.” .” rain.” flake ice may form.

He admitted there was little chance of “systematic rain or snow” in early March which would be buffeted by strong winds. However, despite the high pressure, parts of the UK are not expected to be snow free by the end of the month.

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