Plunging temperatures pushed peak power demand in Delhi on Monday to 4,803 megawatts – the highest for the season and the highest for December in the past three years, according to official data from the state transport hub.
The last time Delhi recorded higher power demand in December was in 2019, when it rose to 5,245 MW. The peak energy demand in December 2021 was 4,723 MW, while it was 4,671 MW in December 2020.
Forecasts show that energy demand will increase further in the coming days and may will reach 5,500 MW this winter. Last winter (2021-22), peak energy demand was 5,104. In 2020-21, Delhi recorded a peak winter power demand of 5,021 MW and 5,343 MW in 2019-20.
Delhi recorded the lowest and lowest temperature of the season on Monday, with the temperature below normal at 15.6 -6 degrees. The minimum temperature is 5 degrees – 3 degrees below normal. The previous minimum and minimum temperatures were 16.2 degrees Celsius and 5.3 degrees Celsius, which were recorded on Sunday.
Tata Power said it was able to meet the season’s record peak power demand without grid constraints or power outages, and added that it expected power demand to peak at 1,650 MW this season. For this, it is said that a long-term energy bond has been created to ensure reliability.
“Tata Power-DDL is fully committed to ensure maximum efficiency to its consumers, ensuring uninterrupted power supply. We have arranged surplus power over and above demand. expected peak and it will also respond to the equipment. In addition, we use a combination of smart technologies for better load forecasting to provide reliable power supply,” Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO, Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited said.
According to BSES officials, green energy or renewable energy will play an important role in meeting the energy demand in the BSES region during winter.
“In addition to the long-term contract from the power plant; Including Hydro and Delhi fuel generating stations, BSES also receives 840 MW of solar power from Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI), 439 MW of wind power and about 25 MW of energy from waste. We are also assisted by more than 127 MW of rooftop solar power installed on rooftops in South, West, East and Central Delhi,” said a BSES official, saying that the discom is using a combination of advanced statistical forecasting models using complex algorithms, combined with modern weather forecasting solutions to analyze expected energy demand.
While the two BSES discoms supply power to the eastern and southern parts of the city, Tata Power distributes power in the northern part of the capital.
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