UK Weather: Technically speaking, it was a white Christmas this year UK news | Daily News Byte

UK Weather: Technically speaking, it was a white Christmas this year  UK news

 | Daily News Byte


Technically, the UK had a white Christmas in 2022 – although temperatures were too mild for most areas to see snow.

The Met Office recorded either sleet or snow at five of its weather stations across the UK, including Edinburgh, one of three in Scotland, and the other two in Northern Ireland.

Met Office meteorologist Tom Morgan said: “Officially it was a white Christmas but, of course, a lot of people think of that perfect cold-snow Christmas card scenario and in reality we didn’t really see any snow settling at lower levels.

“The way we define a white Christmas is just a few snowflakes falling, even if it’s mixed with rain, so it’s technically a white Christmas but, for most places, particularly in England and Wales, it was very mild.”

Traffic moves through the snow along the A702 near Silverburn, Midlothian
Traffic slogs through the snow along the A702 near Silverburn, Midlothian on Boxing Day

In Scotland, forecasters recorded snow at Gogarbank Weather Station in Edinburgh, Loch Glascarnoch in Ross and Cromarty and Altonharra in Sutherland.

Across the Irish Sea, snow fell in Glenane, County Armagh and Lough Fee in Londonderry.

The drizzle turned to snow

“Most of the day was too mild for snow and rain for rain, but in the evening it got colder and we started seeing that rain turn to light and then snow,” the meteorologist said.

But in most places, the snow came too late to herald a white Christmas.

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A snow plow goes through Karlops
In the Scottish Borders area, snow plows drive through Carlops on Boxing Day

“This morning there is snow on the ground across Scotland, across Cumbria [Boxing Day]Even at lower levels,” Mr Morgan added.

“It would have been a white Christmas if the colder air had arrived a bit earlier, but it’s definitely a white Boxing Day for some of us.”

When was the last time the UK had ‘proper’ snow at Christmas?

Last Christmas, around 6% of Met Office stations recorded snowfall, but only 1% of snow fell on the ground. In 2017, about 11% of sites reported snowfall.

However, forecasters have to go back to 2010 to find a December 25 when people remember waking up to snow on the ground.

Christmas 2010 was the last time there was a reasonable amount of snow on the ground
Christmas 2010 was the last time there was a reasonable amount of snow on the ground

On Christmas Day this year, the Met Office recorded a high of 12.7C in Chertsey, Surrey, while Loch Glascarnoch recorded a low of 2.7C.


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