Revealed: The most desired employee benefits | Daily News Byte

Revealed: The most desired employee benefits

 | Daily News Byte


As the battleground for talent continues, employers are taking note of increased employee demands. As a result, employers offer a wide range of employee benefits to their staff, but which ones do employees find most important?

In a recent consumer survey of 1,000 respondents across the UK, Jigsaw24 found that a quarter (25 per cent) of UK workers chose technology products as the most desirable non-salary benefit their company could provide. This is above those who choose private medical care (23 percent), a pension (16 percent) or a gym membership (9 percent).

However, despite reliance on technology at an all-time high, many companies operate on outdated internal systems, neglecting the importance employees place on technology and having a seamless digital work experience. We’ve seen businesses increasingly invest in technology to improve their customer experience, however, some businesses continue to lag behind their internal investments to meet the growing technology needs of their staff.

According to Battle for Talent research, 72 percent of workers are frustrated at least once a week by the poor quality or lack of business technology available to them, and 48 percent say poor business technology makes them more likely to quit. their jobs in the next six months. With digital modernization not only offering a more inclusive workplace, it’s clear that providing modern, purpose-built technology as part of a holistic employee experience also plays an important role in attracting and retaining the best available talent.

Digital modernization is not only key to retaining talent, but outdated technology can have a major impact on workplace efficiency. As many know, laptop malfunctions, frozen screens, and lost documents can be long-term disruptions to everyday tasks.

Hybrid work has also undoubtedly put the spotlight on the importance of good technology. Employees are increasingly looking for technology that meets their home work needs, that transitions seamlessly from the workplace to home offices, and that is familiar and compatible with their daily lives. As a result, we’ve seen Apple adoption grow significantly. The results of the Jigsaw24 survey found that an Apple MacBook or iMac topped the survey as the single most desirable technology benefit (chosen by 8 per cent of UK workers), followed by an iPhone (5 per cent), home office IT support (5 per cent) and Microsoft PC (4 percent).

The appeal of Apple technology is even more true for younger generations. Gen Z respondents, ages 18 to 25, chose getting an Apple MacBook or iMac (15 percent) as the most desired non-financial benefit in addition to a gym membership (15 percent). This was closely followed by the Apple iPhone (12 percent). The desirability of Apple MacBooks has gradually increased over the generations, suggesting that business demand for these products is not expected to slow down.

As a result, companies are increasingly recognizing the value of investing in Apple technology. While Apple products were previously limited to creative disciplines or C-Suite executives, companies are increasingly integrating Macs into workplaces across all sectors.

As employers strive to meet the changing demands of workers, understanding which benefits are considered most important to employees is a good place to start. With technological requirements at the fore, investment in technology should not be overlooked. As reliance on technology grows, businesses must understand the importance of fit-for-purpose technology and a seamless digital experience to meet changing expectations of the workplace experience.

Tim has over 25 years of experience as a Sales Director in IT Services, with many large clients. With extensive experience at BT, Phoenix and Esteem, his specialties include large desktop managed services, Cisco and Microsoft infrastructure, as well as Apple, with particular expertise in device services and employee choice schemes. The team is responsible for driving Jigsaw24 forward and helping us exceed our goals. He works to ensure we can take advantage of new opportunities in key markets and helps us maintain first-class customer service.


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