Civic staff attacked for trying to stop loud music succumbs to injuries | Mumbai news | Daily News Byte

Civic staff attacked for trying to stop loud music succumbs to injuries |  Mumbai news

 | Daily News Byte


Mumbai A 42-year-old civic worker, working with the waste management department of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), who was critically injured after he was attacked for trying to stop a group playing loud music at Tata Power area in Dharavi, succumbed to his injuries on Monday evening.

According to the police, the incident happened a month ago when the victim suffered an injury to his head. and was treated at the hospital. He died on Monday after which the police arrested two people for murder.

On November 28, when the victim – Durgesh Mallesh Kunchikurve – was at home, he was disturbed by the sound of music playing in the vicinity.

“He was disturbed by the constant blaring of music by a DJ in the vicinity. He went there and asked the organizers who were playing music and dancing to stop the trouble. This leads to an argument. Later two persons – Durgesh Babu Kanchikurve, 28, and Gangaram Kunchikurve, 23, started assaulting him,” said a police officer from Dharavi police station.

Durgesh took a beer bottle from nearby and hit it on Durgesh’s head, while Gangaram picked up a stone and hit it on the victim’s head.

“When the victim’s wife, Laxmi, tried to intervene, the accused assaulted her. When they heard her cry for help, the local people gathered at the place where the victim was. The accused threatened the victim and left,” the officer added.

Durgesh was sent to Sion Hospital. “The hospital discharged him twice after he felt better. Recently, he was again admitted to the Civil Hospital and succumbed to his injuries on Monday. A police officer said he had a blood clot in his brain.

“We have arrested two accused who have been booked under Section 324 of IPC for voluntarily causing hurt by weapon or dangerous means. Now we have added Section 302 for murder in the case,” said Vijay Kandalgaonkar, Senior Police Inspector of Dharavi Police Station.


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