BNB chain hosts its first Web3 hackathon in cooperation with DVF Labs, FactBlock and Certik | Daily News Byte

BNB chain hosts its first Web3 hackathon in cooperation with DVF Labs, FactBlock and Certik

 | Daily News Byte


The winners will get the opportunity to pitch among South Korea’s top equity investments in an investment round with participation from DVF Labs, Binance Labs, Hashed, Samsung Next, Blocore, Vestigium and ROK Capital

BNB Chain Web3 Hackathon in Korea

BNB Chain, the world’s largest smart contract blockchain in terms of daily active users, has announced the launch of its flagship In-Person Hackathon in partnership with Web3 industry leaders DVF Labs, FactBlock and Certik. The event aims to connect developers, entrepreneurs, VCs and business leaders from around the world in an effort to foster innovation in the decentralized space.

Applications are now open for participants to apply.

The three-day event will be held from December 17-19 in Seoul, Republic of Korea, and will be the first Web3 and Hackathon event hosted by BNB Chain.

The Web3 meeting will preempt the hackathon with a networking event on December 16, where teams from major Web3 companies such as Chainlink, Encoding Labs, Playone Games, Samsung Blockchain Wallet, 1inch and Sandbox Network. The DAO, Claytn, Cosmostation, Nekon and A&T Capital will also be at the event to interact with hackers.

“Blockchain games and NFTs will be significant components of Web3, and South Korea has seen significant growth in both areas. In the context of web3, Korea is at the forefront of world domination of games, metaverse, culture and music,“, said Stephen Milton, Head of Marketing at BNB Chain. The hackathon will help us build a foundation for developers using BNB Chain’s scalable and reliable blockchain infrastructure. Seeing the incredible talent for Web3 development, we are committed to providing consistent support to local developers in South Korea.”

Participating teams can have a maximum of five hackers competing for three prizes; winners will be announced on December 19 at Demo Day, followed by an investment round. Winners will receive $5000 for first place, $3000 for second place, and $2000 for third place, in addition to BNB Chain and continued access to BNB Chain development and funding programs. Winners will also have the opportunity to pitch to top VCs in South Korea in an investment round with participation from DVF Labs, Binance Labs, Hashed, Samsung Next, Blocore, Vestigium and ROK Capital.

Teams could compete in multiple sponsor categories, including designing the Soulbound Token SDK, creating scalable dApps for the lifestyle and gaming industries, and developing DeFi for institutions.

Projects will be judged on technology, design, impact and presentation. Participants are also allowed to use pre-developed strategies and work on completed ideas, as long as they are robust enough for the target market and have an innovative angle by incorporating additional functionality into ongoing projects. In such situations, winners will be determined based on the value of any new features or functionality introduced during the hackathon.

During the event, funding programs such as the BNB Chain Builder Grant and the BNB Chain MVB Program will also be unveiled, demonstrating BNB Chain’s ongoing commitment to supporting and growing the decentralized ecosystem.

In 2022, BNB Chain dApps attracted over a million daily unique web3 wallets despite the market crash. Network too outperformed Ethereum with over 230 million in number unique addressesbecoming more decentralized and open than ever, while improving scalability and reducing costs for Web3 projects.

This article is a press release.

What is BNB chain:

Formerly known as Binance Smart Chain (BSC), BNB Chain is a community-driven and censorship-resistant decentralized blockchain powered by Binance. It consists of BNB Beacon Chain and BNB Smart Chain, compatible with EVM and facilitating a multi-chain ecosystem. Through the concept of MetaFI, BNB Chain aims to build the infrastructure to power the world’s parallel virtual ecosystem.

Find out more about the BNB chain here:

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