What are the four roles of a Pi network user? | Daily News Byte

What are the four roles of a Pi network user?

 | Daily News Byte


Pi Contributors can increase their mining capacity while improving the security of the protocol – and they do it together!

Pi Contributor Features

The Pi Network community allows users and pioneers to wear multiple hats to help them compose different roles in the network. Four roles are available to Pioneers: Miners, Validators, Contributors and Ambassadors.

Validators, Associates, and Ambassadors provide the ability to earn more Pi by growing your network. Any Pioneer can start as a miner, and the next step after starting to mine is to take on a different role and diversify your ability to mine Pi. As contributors, users can help contribute to improving the security of the Pi network while mining Pi at a higher rate.

Pi Network Role Page

Pioneers can become contributors after three days of mining Pi and completing three mining sessions. Once done, an automatic icon should appear in your Pi Dapp on the role pages.

To become an Associate, users must invite 3-5 members to join their safety circle. Pioneers combine and overlap into security circles, increasing the overall trust graph of the Pi network.

The more connections users add to their circle, the more Pi they can mine. The stronger the pioneers, the stronger the mining power.

Users can invite users by introducing them through the Pi’s social networking capabilities such as chat and the various Dapps available in the Pi browser. Users can also increase their network of associates by inviting trusted friends through the ambassador network. The ambassador network will also help boost mining capabilities, increasing users’ ability to mine and earn Pi.


Building a trust graph across the Pi network will help develop a mutual security system that supports the Pi Mainnet. Together, Pioneers can diversify and strengthen overall Pi security, improving the Pi experience.

What is a Pi network:

Pi Network is a mobile blockchain mining project with a mission to give everyone access to the cryptocurrency revolution. The project was founded by a team of PhDs from Stanford University. candidates who designed a mobile-friendly blockchain mining algorithm.

The Pi Network has evolved over the years and has hosted a hackathon, built several working Pi blockchain applications, and is now in the final stages of transitioning to the public network.​​

Where to find the Pi network:

Website | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram |


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