The risk of developing lung cancer from exposure to radon is low and most buildings remain outside of affected areas.
Individuals and employers are encouraged to check the map to see if radon testing is advised for homes and workplaces in their area.
Updated radon potential map, produced by UKHSA And BGSis the first in more than 10 years and provides an authoritative analysis of the probability of a building being in a radon affected area (area with high radon potential).
Radon is a colorless and odorless gas that is responsible for 1,100 lung cancer deaths in Great Britain each year. The risk is highest among smokers and ex-smokers.
For most people, the risk of developing lung cancer from exposure to radon remains low and radon levels across the UK have not increased. however, UKHSA If you live or work in an affected area, it is advised to test your home. There are several methods of reducing high levels of radon in buildings.
The latest update of the map available to view on UKradon.org is the product of years of new analysis and research, combining the latest geological mapping with one of the largest databases of house measurements ever compiled.
While most buildings remain outside of radon-affected areas, this new map has refined our knowledge of areas where radon levels are more likely to occur. The overall number of buildings with high radon levels remains the same.
The Radon Map allows local councils, national and regional governments, social and private landlords, private landlords and employers to assess the radon risk in their properties. It is also used in building regulations to specify where radon preventive measures must be incorporated in new buildings.
Tracy Gooding, Chief Radiation Protection Scientist UKHSAsaid:
While most buildings remain outside of radon-affected areas, if you own property in a radon-affected area, it is important that you arrange for testing. If you live in private or social rented accommodation, talk to your landlord, who should arrange the test for you.
Employers can use this map to help them carry out appropriate and adequate risk assessments and take appropriate action where required.
The updated map provides information that allows property owners, landlords, and employers to make informed decisions about the benefits of conducting radon measurements and potential remediation work.
Russell Lawley, Chief Geologist BGSsaid:
Radon is found in all rocks and soil. Using a modified statistical approach to our mapping of geology across Great Britain enabled us to model where these geological hazards are most likely to be present in buildings.
This map is a significant update to the previously published version and will help raise awareness of this geohazard.
Guidance for radon affected areas can be found at UKradon.org.
More information is also available on techniques available for low elevated levels of radon.
The map has been updated in England, Wales and Scotland. The map for Northern Ireland, which was last updated in 2015, is the same as before.
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