Since 2006 — the year British officials foiled a terrorist plot to sneak liquid explosives onto flights to Washington, New York and California — passengers have been limited to 100 milliliters (or 3.4 ounces) of liquid in a quart-size plastic bag. With the new CT scanners, travelers can bring up to two liters (about 67 ounces) through security checkpoints at many UK airports.
For reference, a growler of beer is 64 ounces and a bottle of Mane n Tail holds 32 ounces of shampoo or conditioner. Additionally, travelers will not have to remove their large electronic items but can keep them inside their carry-on bags.
“Small toilets have become a staple of airport security checkpoints, but that’s all set to change,” UK Transport Secretary Mark Harper said in a statement. “I’m streamlining cabin bag rules at airports while increasing security.”
The government had earlier set the deadline for the end of this year but pushed the date back when the pandemic struck.
“We think this is a big step forward in terms of security,” Lauren Beyer, the airline’s vice president of security and convenience for the Americas, said of the development, “and it also comes with efficiency and customer convenience benefits.”
On the other side of the Atlantic, the Transportation Security Administration is acquiring and installing CT scanners at airports across the country. 3D machines, which are commonly used in hospitals, show a more complete and comprehensive image of the scanned objects. Security officers can also closely inspect personal items and skip manual bag searches, speeding up security queues.
At this time, TSA does not plan to increase the amount of liquids allowed on airplanes departing from the United States.
“As long as the TSA completes all of its testing, we’re supportive of getting the liquid back into the bag,” Beyer said.
Passengers in the United States can leave their quart-sized bags of liquids and their gadgets in their bags as long as they are in the security lane with the CT scanner. TSA urges travelers to look for signs at security checkpoints and listen to instructions from officials.
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