It’s hard to imagine that a single breeding in each earlobe was once as bold as it got. Now, tragus piercings are the most popular ear-piercing finds out there. So, what exactly is Tragus? It’s a flap of cartilage that sits in front of the ear canal and, according to Astrid and Miu Pier Charlotte Collins, “it’s for risk-takers and rule-breakers who want to make a rebellious statement.” Consider selling to us! (maybe?)
Our ear anatomy is made up of sci-fi-sounding names like dithe, tragus, ruck, and helix, and we can talk all day about the endless piercing trends people are decorating theirs with. But if you’re just starting out and wondering which piercing to get next, the tragus is by far the creepiest place.
“A well-experienced piercer can easily perform a tragus piercing,” says Lark & Berry piercer Svetlana Hristova. glamour. “It’s not difficult if you make sure the needle is straight and the piercing is done in the perfect spot over that small area—just before the line formed when the tragus is bent.”
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Is tragus piercing painful?
The pain varies from person to person, but as Hristova points out, cartilage is thicker than flesh, so you can feel it more than piercing a lobe. That said, most people describe the “pain” as more pressure, or a hot flash that lasts for seconds. A-list fans like Rihanna, Zoe Kravitz and Scarlett Johansson all rock tragus piercings, making them very popular. K Painful, right?
Is tragus piercing difficult to heal?
“A tragus piercing is a bold choice, but unfortunately it’s the hardest to heal,” says Hristova, “cartilage piercings typically take 6-12 months to heal compared to lobes, which usually take around 2-4 months. This is because cartilage is avascular, meaning it has no blood supply and is therefore a slow-healing tissue. Healing time also depends on the individual and the level of aftercare. “Like any piercing, it is. It’s important to keep it clean,” says piercer Laura Bond. “We suggest cleaning with a saline solution twice a day and try not to touch your hands unless you have to wash them. Bond also recommends avoiding swimming pools, lakes or hot tubs for the first two months, as they contain bacteria that can cause infection. Wearing high-quality, implant-grade jewelry is the key to fast healing without infection. Below are the metals. Jewelry considered safe for piercing:
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