– Aims to build a physical network of medical professionals and trained volunteers for early identification of children on the Autism Spectrum among underprivileged and in tier 2 and 3 cities and rural India.
~ To activate a ‘National Task Force’ to work together with key actors in the field including the Government of India – to move towards the integration of value added and sustainable support in the current system..
India, November 30, 2022 (GPN): Tata Power Community Development Trust (Tata Power CDT) and Indian Hotels Corporation Limited (IHCL) jointly organized the first National Conference on Neurodiversity in Mumbai with focus on Autism Spectrum.
The conference brought together representatives from the Tata Group, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, the Government of India (GoI), the United Nations, practitioners and domain experts from the field of neurodiversity to deliberate and implement physical interventions and support programs in Tier 2. and Tier 3 cities and rural India. There was a preliminary consultation with experts from various sectors to present challenges and recommendations to the working group for consideration at the meeting. Several field visits to early intervention centers in various regions were also conducted, along with Disability Tech Expo activities with a series of experts to gain maximum insight from the sector.
According to estimates by the Indian Council of Medical Research, India has More than ten million people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The event aims to create a common platform for key actors to optimize existing efforts, cross-pollinate and enable the necessary support ecosystem for early diagnosis, acceptance and care by using the combined power of technology, people, companies and governments. Network project. The round table meeting was a speech in the establishment of a national working group to work with Key stakeholders in this area including the Government of India – to promote integration and value addition Sustainable value and support in the current system.
The multi-day brainstorming session is part of Tata Power Community Development Trust’s AUTENTION initiative, India’s first Physical Autism Support Network. The meeting was attended by Mr. Kim Chanthaseka, independent director, Minister Tata Power, and former Cabinet Secretary, GoI; Dr. Praveer Sinha, CEO&MD, Tata Power; Mr. Puneet Chhatwal, MD & CEO, IHCL; Mr. Rajeev Sharma, Joint Secretary, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Justice and Empowerment of Society, GoI, which emphasized the need to make collaboration between the public sector, enterprises and non-profits to build pan empowerment. – India supports the ecosystem for ASD. They also called on educational/research institutions and social enterprise institutions to contribute to making the ecosystem by plugging in innovation and physical solutions, where possible.
Dr. Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power said, “Tata Power’s Pay Autention network strives to empower individuals with Autism and Neurodiversity. The conference, co-hosted with IHCL, will accelerate our efforts to develop a pan-India ecosystem of services in the area of Neurodiversity that is severely limited by lack of awareness, weak support systems and subpar diagnostic facilities.”
In line with the company’s D&I policy, Tata Power aims to bring people with Autism as grooms, mentors and hires interns and associates with neurodiversity. The company will support them in increasing their skills, personality and facilitate an inclusive and accessible workplace environment.
Mr. Puneet Chhatwal, MD & CEO, IHCL said, “We are happy to partner with Tata Power for expanding the Pay Autention network for supporting Autism and neurodiversity by leveraging IHCL’s extensive network and volunteers across the country. In line with Paathya, IHCL’s framework on sustainability and social impact measures, we believe in making inclusion a priority. At IHCL, we are committed to empowering the neuro-diverse community through focused skills training in line with our diversity and mission.
Mr. Rajeev Sharma, Joint Secretary, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyanjan), Ministry of Justice and Social Empowerment, GoI. Propose important plans and initiatives of the government aimed at creating an inclusive and equal society, with equal opportunities for the growth and development of people with disabilities. He also mentioned Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s interest in strengthening divyangjan and Make them equal partners in the growth of the country. He said, “The government has taken steps such as establishing early intervention centers for disabilities across the region and increasing the number of disabilities from 7 to 21 (including Autism Spectrum Disorder) under the RPWD Act, 2016. This important initiative has taken off. Ways to strengthen support for A large number of neurodiverse people across the country. I appreciate this effort that aims to bring a strong support ecosystem for Autism and I believe this will go far in driving inclusion.”
Mr. G. Vijaya Raghavan, Honorary Director, Center for Disability Rehabilitation Research and Education (CADRRE), and Ms. Foram Nagori, Head of CSR, Tata Power addressed the delegates, who were later divided into focus groups to deliberate on. Important topics such as early detection of ASD and timely intervention, make mainstream education sectors inclusive, and use advanced technology and scale through Hub and Spoke Models. Mrs. Jyoti Kumar Bansal, Head of Branding, Comms, Sustainability & CSR, Tata Power summarized the important next steps arising from these considerations and encouraged the group to continue working together to improve systems and integrated practices.
Ms. Gauri Arora from the Office of the United Nations Coordinator shared her experience on creating cross-sectoral networks. and the need to define priority areas. Dr. K. Vijay Raghavan, former Principal Scientific Adviser to GoI shared his insights on research and technology efforts in the field of neurodiversity. Mr. Ferose VR, Senior Vice President and Head of SAP Academy for Engineering, founder of ‘India Inclusion Summit’ and founder of “Autism at Work” of SAP, shares his experience and learning as a parent and from hiring talent with autism and gives advice on. Make a supportive environment in many other companies.
About Pay Authentication
In 2022 to commemorate World Autism Awareness Day, Tata Power CDT has partnered with the Center for Autism and Rehabilitation Research and Education (CADRRE) to launch ‘PAY AUTENTION’. This physical support network aims to empower parents, caregivers, Anganwadi workers, health workers, teachers, employees of public service organizations and social workers to serve as a support network for awareness and empowerment for early identification and acceptance of children with Autism, especially in small towns and rural India.
The PAY AUTENTION network trained and empowered community leaders, volunteers and Anganwadi workers from the Integrated Child Development Program (ICDS) through street plays and physical workshops to reach thousands of households for early identification, awareness, and access to underserved areas. A toll free helpline number – 18002099488 has been set up to answer queries from across the country for support related to Autism along with a dedicated website (https://www.tatapower.com/sustainability/social-capital/pay-autention. aspx) and a YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@payautention1172).
About Tata Power:
Tata Power (NSE: TATA POWER; BSE: 500400) is one of India’s largest integrated power companies and, together with its subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities, has an installed/managed capacity of 13,515 MW. The company is India’s most advanced green energy brand, with operations across the entire energy value chain – renewable and conventional energy generation including hydro and thermal, transmission and distribution, coal and logistics, transportation and trade.
The company has developed the country’s first Ultra Mega Power Project at Mundra (Gujarat) based on key technologies. With 4.7 GW of clean energy generation from solar, wind, hydro, and waste heat recovery accounting for 34% of the overall portfolio, the company is a leader in clean energy generation.
It has a successful public-private partnership in manufacturing, transmission and distribution in India viz: Powerlink’s Transmission Ltd. with Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. For the transfer of electricity from the Tala Power Plant in Bhutan to Delhi, Maithon Power Ltd. with Damodar Valley Corporation for a 1,050 MW power project in Jharkhand.
Tata Power is currently serving more than 12 million consumers through Discoms, under a public-private partnership model viz Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. with the Government of Delhi in North Delhi, TP Northern Odisha Distribution Limited, TP Central Odisha Distribution Limited, TP Western Odisha Distribution Limited, and TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited with the Government of Odisha.
With a focus on sustainable and clean energy development, Tata Power is spearheading its transformation into an integrated solutions provider looking at new business growth in distributed generation through rooftop and micro solar, storage solutions, EV charging infrastructure, ESCO, home automation & smart meters. et al.
With a track record of 107 years of technological advancements, project execution excellence, world-class safety processes, customer care, and green initiatives, Tata Power is poised for exponential growth and is committed to brightening lives for generations to come. For more information visit us at: www.tatapower.com
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