Ten months of intense fighting in Ukraine are forcing Western allies to take a quick look. It is about the importance of a dynamic industrial base capable of producing weapons and ammunition at speed and scale. “Ukraine focused us. . . about what really matters,” William LaPlante, the Pentagon’s chief arms buyer, noted recently. “Production is important. Production is really important.”
LaPlante hit the nail on the head. Simply stockpiling weapons and ammunition — and underinvesting in production capacity — will not be enough as the US prepares for the conflicts of the future and hopes to deter potential adversaries. By supporting Ukraine, the West is effectively depleting its stockpiles of weapons and ammunition much faster than they can be replaced. Not only does this pose a danger to our Ukrainian allies as the war drags on, but it certainly attracts the attention of China, which Secretary of State Anthony Blinken recently said is accelerating its plans to seize Taiwan.
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