WASHINGTON, DC – Today US Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) and US Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) presented Law on issuing pipelines for energy securitywhich would create regulatory certainty for natural gas pipeline construction and authorize the completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.
“Pennsylvania is the nation’s second-largest producer of natural gas, and I am committed to ensuring that the Keystone State can continue to serve as an energy leader in the United States and around the world.” Rep. Kelly said. “The Biden administration has created so many burdensome regulations on our domestic energy production during his first two years in office, driving up costs and reducing the value of Americans’ hard-earned dollars.” This legislation eases regulatory requirements so that pipelines can transport that gas from Pennsylvania to the northeastern United States, ultimately lowering energy costs for families and businesses. I thank Senator Toomey for his concerted effort to ensure that Pennsylvania can lead America’s energy comeback!”
Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) introduced the Energy Security Pipeline Permit Act’s Senate companion today.
“It is long past time to end the exploitation of outdated laws to prevent the construction of pipelines, which are the safest and most efficient way to transport natural gas, by activists and politicians who cater to them.” Obstruction of common sense, essential energy infrastructure projects has resulted in higher energy costs, increased global reliance on energy produced by tyrants like Vladimir Putin, and ironically prevented increased distribution of the energy source most responsible for reducing US greenhouse gas emissions.” Senator Toomey said.
“Through the Energy Security Pipeline Permit Act, Congress would create regulatory certainty for pipeline construction across the country and give the green light to the long-delayed Mountain Valley pipeline.” This would also provide greater access to cheap, clean and safe natural gas from Pennsylvania. Real, lasting permitting reform is critical to creating a sustainable American energy policy for the 21st century.
Several stakeholder groups expressed support for the efforts of Senator Toomey and Rep. Kelly:
“Pennsylvania has world-class natural gas assets, but pipeline constraints prevent us from fully exploiting the value of these resources for local consumers and allies abroad.” Demand for natural gas is high – and we’re seeing producers across the country respond with new well activity, but we need to be able to get the product to consumers, domestically and internationally. America needs action on policies that will reduce chronic permitting delays, encourage more use of local manufacturing, and build more energy infrastructure. We applaud Senator Toomey for his efforts to streamline the permitting process, once again signaling his longstanding, unwavering support for America’s energy security.” said Marcellus Shale Coalition President David Callahan.
“We welcome Senator Toomey’s contribution to the ongoing discussion on improving the permitting process for infrastructure that is critical to achieving our nation’s energy, economic, security and climate goals.” This legislation is focused on meaningfully addressing the overly burdensome regulations associated with the Clean Water Act (CVA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for interstate gas pipelines and other vital energy infrastructure. We hope this will further inform the discussion on permitting reform in the coming year.” said Amy Andrisak, president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA).
“As an energy security issue, allowing reform legislation would address and ensure our nation’s ability to produce and deliver our vast domestic energy resources, including renewables, and improve our ability to effectively transition to a low-carbon future,”said Thomas F. Karam, president and chief executive officer of Equitrans Midstream.
“UGI Energy Services supports Senator Toomey’s bill that would make important changes to the permitting process for pipeline infrastructure. Natural gas and natural gas infrastructure are critical to ensuring that our economy grows and that many American families can live comfortably. It’s time for Congress to pass legislation that allows infrastructure to be built that can deliver clean, reliable and safe energy across the US while protecting the environment. We are grateful for Senator Toomey’s longstanding and unwavering support of our industry and look forward to the passage of this important legislation. said Joe Hartz, President, UGI Energy Services, LLC.
Background of the Law on Issuing Permits for Gas Pipelines for Energy Security:
- Limits state government from delaying pipeline construction by mandating specific timelines for review of the Clean Water Act.
- Clarifies factors unrelated to water quality that are not considered in the Clean Water Act review process.
- Provides a clear scope of navigable waters included in the Clean Water Act review
- Protects the use of general permits to prevent duplication of construction reviews along the same pipeline
- Streamlines the National Environmental Policy Act review process for large federal projects
- Prevents expansion of Endangered Species Act qualifications to disrupt pipeline infrastructure
- Shortens standard Endangered Species Act consultation timeframes and creates a new fast-track consultation process for projects proven to cause minimal impact
- It allows construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline to finally be completed after many unnecessary delays
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