In Leicestershire, 3,700 fish – including 1,500 chub, 700 dace, 1,000 roach and 500 bream – reared at the Environment Agency’s National Course Fish Farm in Calverton, Nottinghamshire, will be released into the River Sense and River Sour as part of the annual programme.
Each year, Calverton Fish Farm breeds coarse fish for release into rivers and stillwaters across England to help increase fish populations. Restocking in Leicestershire will provide a welcome boost to angler experience in the area.
Responsible fishing provides a great opportunity to connect with nature and experience the benefits of doing so. However, it is important to remember that a valid rod fishing license is required, and anglers must comply with fishing bylaws and fishery regulations.
Jack Dore, Fisheries Technical Officer for the Environment Agency, said:
While Leicestershire’s waterways have a healthy population of fish, after a pollution event or decline there is an occasional need for a helping hand from anglers to restore the natural balance or new opportunities for fishing.
The work of our National Fish Farm is funded by license fee income, so it is great to see the fish farm continuing to produce the strong and healthy fish needed for rehabilitation and recovery in the run-up to Christmas.
Restocking is part of an annual program funded by revenue from rod license sales. Restocking occurs in winter because the water temperature is lower and this reduces any stress on the fish, giving them the best survival rate.
Christmas is a good time to introduce fish into rivers, as it enables them to acclimatise to their new environment, before their spawning season in the spring. Fish also play an important role in sustaining the river’s udi-balanced eco-system, so the vast natural environment will also get a festive vibe.
In England you need a rod fishing license to fish with rod and line for salmon, trout, freshwater fish, smelt or eel. Get yours from https://www.gov.uk/fishing-licences.
Notes to editors
- Revenue from rod fishing license sales is used to fund our work to protect and improve fish stocks and fisheries. This includes improving habitat for fish, reinvesting money into facilities and clubs for anglers, tackling illegal fishing and working with partners to encourage more people to fish.
- The Environment Agency’s National Course Fish Farm at Calverton is a major supplier of coarse fish for restocking.
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